MedicalOpioid Detox and Withdrawal Symptoms May 2, 2023882 views0Share By Rob Butler ShareYou start taking prescription opioids for an injury or pain condition. You think it’s the perfect solution…Until you build a tolerance, requiring you to take more and more to feel the effects. Or until you fall prey to addiction.Either way, you’re now faced with getting rid of your opioids. This means going through opioid detox and withdrawal symptoms.While not as severe as full-blown addiction withdrawal, detox symptoms are unpleasant. You’re facing them alone, with little understanding of what will occur. Let’s break down all you need to know.Table of Contents ToggleAnxietyGoosebumpsInsomniaSweating and VomitingShaking and FeverHallucinationsBe Properly Prepared When Going to Opioid DetoxAnxietyOpioid detox and withdrawal can lead to anxiety. It can be both acutely and in a chronic condition called opioid withdrawal syndrome. Acute anxiety can manifest in many forms.This includes relentless, excessive worrying, restlessness, irritability, and panic attacks. These cravings and anxieties can drive compulsive behaviors and be very difficult to control. In opioid withdrawal syndrome, anxiety symptoms can persist for months after detox.It also includes an inability to cope with daily stressors, mood fluctuations, sleep disturbances, and irritability. To help manage anxiety while detoxing, lifestyle changes, group therapy, and medication can all be useful. This is one of the most common opioid detox symptoms.GoosebumpsOpiate detox and withdrawal symptoms goosebumps exist as a result of cessation or reduced use of opiates. This can occur in individuals who have taken opiates for a prolonged period. Or in those that are attempting to reduce their use of the drug.In cases of opiate detox, individuals may experience symptoms of goosebumps as a result of physical and psychological changes in their body. As with any drug detox or withdrawal, seeking professional help is recommended. This is because these symptoms can be overwhelming and difficult to manage.They are a lot of opioid addiction treatments you can choose from, such as outpatient rehab centers. Visit, the outpatient rehab center here to learn more about opioid treatment. Proper treatment and support are important for individuals who are struggling with opioid addiction and trying to get through detox and withdrawal.InsomniaOpioid withdrawal and detox can have many effects on a person, but insomnia is especially detrimental. When addicts attempt to reduce or quit taking opioids, it is common to experience difficulty sleeping. This means that those suffering from opioid abuse may go several hours or even days without sleep.Which only adds to the volatile nature of opioid addiction. Signs of insomnia are oftentimes confused with symptoms of detox and this can lead to even more anxiety and restlessness. Insomnia while detoxing is also a difficult cycle to break.This is because insomnia leads to feeling worse and that feeling worse can lead to an addict taking opioids to relieve some of their suffering. It is important to seek help for opioid addiction to ensure that your body is detoxing safely and at a pace that your body can handle. Opioid treatment can provide natural sleep aids to help with insomnia symptoms and provide support through addiction.Sweating and VomitingOpioid detox and withdrawal symptoms of sweating and vomiting are common. Sweating is the body’s natural response to withdrawals. Sweating is the body’s way of flushing excess toxins and mitigating an excessive fever.Vomiting is caused by nausea and extreme discomfort and is a result of the body trying to rid itself of toxins. Withdrawal symptoms go hand in hand and when combined can be very taxing on a person’s mind and body. It is important to seek treatment for opioid addiction to reduce the risk of dehydration and nausea.It also includes any potential medical issues that may arise during the process. The experience of detoxing from opioids can be a harrowing one, so medical professionals may be able to provide help and support to make the process smoother. Ultimately, reducing the risk of relapse is the goal and this can be reinforced through the use of medicines and alternative therapies for a more successful outcome.Shaking and FeverShaking and fever are two of the most common and intense physical symptoms of the opioid detox and withdrawal process. In many cases, these symptoms can become severe. It can cause a person to experience rapid and uncontrollable shaking and a higher-than-average body temperature.It is important to note that fever may be accompanied by other flu-like symptoms, such as chills, nausea, dehydration, and headaches. Furthermore, shakes and body temperature can also increase in intensity as time passes and withdrawal progresses.With that being said, it is incredibly important that individuals suffering from opioid withdrawal receive professional medical guidance. This is to help properly manage and treat these physical symptoms.HallucinationsOpioid detox and withdrawal symptoms of hallucinations can be very debilitating. Hallucinations can range from feeling disconnected from reality to hearing voices or seeing things that are not there. They can cause anxiety, depression, confusion, panic attacks, and paranoia.When the brain is suffering from opioid abuse the brain chemistry changes. This can lead to unreal sensory experiences. Detoxing from opioids may cause intense psychological and physical distress.This includes vivid nightmares and episodes of delirium that may last for days at a time. During this time, it is important to seek medical attention. This is to ensure the individual is coping with their symptoms in the safest way possible. Be Properly Prepared When Going to Opioid DetoxThe journey through opioid detox and withdrawal symptoms can be grueling and uncomfortable. That is why it is important to seek medical supervision for detoxing to ease the transition. Serious consequences such as seizures, psychosis, or suicidal ideation can arise without the proper help.It is important to know what are the opioid detox symptoms. It will help you prepare for it and address it properly. If you have a substance use disorder, seek help from a qualified medical professional.If you want to read more articles, visit our blog.Disclosure: Every time you click on a link on our site, we may get a small commission paid to us. We do this to keep the content free-to-read. If you're privacy focused, you can support the site by using Brave Browser and BAT tokens - We're verified creators! 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