InspirationWhat Makes Charismatic People Great Leaders? November 14, 20222053 views0Share By Rob Butler ShareCharismatic people often make the most effective leaders. Their personal qualities and superficial charm help to execute impeccable communication skills, all while coming across as a seemingly ordinary person. This in itself leads many down a road of intrigue.So what is charisma, and why do charismatic people make such good leaders? Let’s take a closer look at this charming trait and see what we can uncover about the different aspects of this special ability.Table of Contents ToggleWhat is the Definition of Charisma?Outer-Oriented Charisma and Extroverted CharismaInner-Oriented Charisma and Introverted CharismaWhy is Charisma Important for Leaders?How to Develop CharismaBe a Good ListenerStudy Body LanguageGain FeedbackThe 6 principles of Charismatic LeadershipAuthenticityRapportConnectionEmpathy and SympathyHumorHow to Showcase Charismatic Leadership?Charismatic Leadership Style DevelopmentCharismatic People Shape the WorldWhat is the Definition of Charisma?Charisma is an emotional quality that makes people trust you and like you. It’s the ability to connect with other people, generate enthusiasm, and influence them.When we think of any person with charisma, we often think of public figures including famous people like Oprah Winfrey, political leaders such as John F. Kennedy, or Barack Obama, and famous thought leaders such as Steve Jobs, all of whom had their own charismatic presence and innate qualities.Each of these famous leaders showed an elusive quality and powerful presence. Steve Jobs possessed a remarkable ability to portray innovative ideas; Kennedy and Obama’s facial expressions, relaxed demeanors and heightened interpersonal skills in social interactions helped them connect with the masses on an emotional level.Extroverts and introverts usually have an equal amount of their relative charisma type, but not always. Some people have a high degree of one type of charisma but not the other.For example, some people may be very outgoing but lack inner-oriented sensitivity; while others may be reserved but have highly-effective communication styles; or vice versa for each type of temperament as well. So let’s take a closer look at these types in isolation.Outer-Oriented Charisma and Extroverted CharismaBoth inner-oriented and outer-oriented people have a deeper level of understanding of how to connect with other people and influence them. However, it’s the way in which these types of people do this that differs.People with an outer-oriented charismatic presence tend to be more outgoing, spontaneous, and gregarious than inner-oriented people. They are more likely to seek the limelight and are more comfortable expressing themselves in public.Extroverts often ooze charisma and charm with positive body languageInner-Oriented Charisma and Introverted CharismaHaving inner-oriented charisma means that you’re someone who can influence others from the inside. You’re charismatic, but not in an extroverted way. Instead, you’re more reserved and private than others.You’re both trustworthy and likeable. But, people also trust and like you even more because you’re going through all the right steps to get what you want in a way that doesn’t offend.People feel confident knowing that your advice will be effective, but not suffocating them with too much information. Your natural charisma means you avoid coming across as self-serving, while still getting what you want done.People know they can trust you not to take advantage of the situation or put them in a difficult position (even though some secretly wish that you would).Introverts with charisma seem to have a more mysterious yet trustworthy vibeWhy is Charisma Important for Leaders?Charisma is one of the most important qualities to have, because it helps people trust you and like you. It’s an important quality to cultivate in your marketing efforts. People tend to follow charismatic leaders because they can influence them.If someone is charismatic, and you want them on your team, be sure to get this person in contact with you so that they can become a part of your network.Leaders need to be strong communicators and, especially in a high-pressure leadership role, act as the glue that unites the world around them. Possessing a combination of personality traits and impactful leadership skills can turn any leadership into a transformational one that will go on to change the world.Charisma in the workplace brings many advantages and can transform businesses when nurturedHow to Develop CharismaDeveloping charisma is a learnable skill, contrary to popular belief. However for many, it’s easier said than done. It takes time, focus, and effort to develop it. It’s most important to be open-minded about learning the skills needed to develop your interpersonal skills.Be a Good ListenerBeing a good listener helps you understand your audience better and make them feel understood. To be a good listener, ask open-ended questions so that the person you are talking to can respond with openness and honesty. Then, the secret to success is to relay snippets of information they’ve provided to show you’ve actively listened to what they have to say.Study Body LanguagePositive body language is a must for exuding personal charisma. Those with an engaging personality are often incredibly emotive individuals, and any hint of negativity is more obvious and exaggerated in equal measure. So make sure to work on your body language if you’re someone who oozes charm but suffers from pesky imposter syndrome!Gain FeedbackIt’s important to find people who will give you honest feedback and look for ways to improve so that they can continually grow as a person and build their charisma as well.You don’t have to try hard at this; just find someone close enough who will listen and give you feedback on your performance or personality with confidence that it’s not just directed towards yourself.Public speaking is a great way to practice your self-confidence and perfect your people skillsThe 6 principles of Charismatic LeadershipThere are six principles of charismatic communication, proving personal charisma and social skills to be an important factor in leadership. These are:AuthenticityThe first one is authenticity, which is being true to yourself and being genuine with people. You want to be yourself and be honest because you can’t put on an act for other people. Developing personal charisma may feel fake at first, but it’s more about finding your true charismatic leader within yourself than faking it until you make it.RapportNext, build rapport by finding common ground with the individual or people you’re talking to. Then, develop confidence by speaking with authority and self-assurance. This will help the listener see your point of view as credible.ConnectionConnection is when you connect with someone or something; it’s about understanding what they like, what they do not like, and how to connect with them.Empathy and SympathyEmpathy and sympathy are important because you want to understand someone else’s perspective; it also helps if you’re able to empathize with their situation in order for them to trust you more.HumorLastly, humor is really important because it can break tension between interactions or conversations and make them more fun. It will also show that you’re not afraid to laugh at yourself or the situation at hand.How to Showcase Charismatic Leadership?To showcase your newfound charisma, you have to have the right attitude.First, be confident in yourself. You can’t expect people to trust you if you don’t trust yourself.Second, be genuine with people. If you are genuinely interested in someone and want them to trust you and like you, they will likely do so.Third, know when to speak up and when to listen more actively. Speaking up is important if you want others to take notice of your new-found charisma; while listening is important if you want others to feel comfortable opening up and expressing themselves around you.Fourth, know what it means to be charismatic. This may sound simple, but it is not always easy for introverts or extroverts alike. The key difference that separates one from the other is acting on their natural strengths as a person rather than trying too hard at being someone they aren’t naturally or fully capable of being.We all have a natural ability that comes out in different ways depending on our temperament type. Knowing what yours is helps give clarity into how best to showcase your charisma properly and effectively in leadership positions.Entrepreneurs use their charisma and charm to achieve successCharismatic Leadership Style DevelopmentPeople with charisma tend to have a few leadership traits in common. For example, the ability to be genuine and sincere. Many also have the ability to listen well and connect what others are trying to say with ther own thoughts.Another trait that is important for people who have charisma is authenticity. Being authentic means being yourself, not trying to act like someone else or be something you’re not. It means being true to yourself, letting your true self show through, and not hiding anything from others.Charisma also includes having some degree of social skills and empathy for other people’s needs. Charisma involves knowing how to relate to other people on a deep level and understanding what motivates them in their lives.Don’t forget, charisma also includes being able to hear people’s feedback about you and taking it onboard when necessary.Charisma comes with many responsibilities in the workplaceCharismatic People Shape the WorldThe magic of leadership arousing Charisma makes it one of the most misused terms in the business world. The word is thrown around as if it’s an all-powerful tool with an endless supply of benefits for those who have it.The reality is that charisma is a by-product of charisma-developing skills, a multitude of traits that can be learned and developed over time to cope with any social situation.The 6 principles of charismatic communication are the foundation of charisma, and they can be applied to any situation no matter who you are. Maybe you’re the one who will be inspiring people for years to come!Keep reading for more inspiring content!Disclosure: Every time you click on a link on our site, we may get a small commission paid to us. We do this to keep the content free-to-read. If you're privacy focused, you can support the site by using Brave Browser and BAT tokens - We're verified creators! Thank you for helping us showcase the future of neurodivergent talent.Share What is your reaction? Excited 0 Happy 0 In Love 1 Not Sure 0 Silly 0Rob Butler30-Something Millennial with ADHD and suspected Autistic and Dyspraxic. Thought leader behind this website. Big visions of a better future for everyone, but forgets where he is half the time.Loves Rugby, his kids, and anything silly. Hates U2 and Marmite.WebsiteTwitterFacebookYoutube
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