Mental Health

What Is Anxiety? The Facts About Anxiety

Pretty brunette biting nails with anxiety

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May 3rd, 2024 12:32 pm

Anxiety is a feeling of worry, fear, or unease that can be mild or severe. It is often accompanied by physical symptoms such as a racing heart, shortness of breath, or muscle tension.

Anxiety is a mental health problem that is becoming increasingly common. In fact, according to ADAA, 3.1% of the population of the USA suffer from anxiety, yet less than half are receiving treatment.

While there are multiple reasons anxiety occurs more in women, the most prominent theory is that it’s due to increased education about anxiety and its effects. Women are also twice as likely to be diagnosed with an anxiety condition than men. So what can we do about this growing problem?

What are the symptoms of anxiety?

Anxiety can cause a variety of physical and emotional symptoms, including:

– Racing heart

– Difficulty breathing

– Nausea

– Dizziness

– Excessive sweating

– Feeling out of control

– Fear

– Panic

Anxiety is a feeling of unease, such as worry or fear, that can be mild or severe. While everyone experiences anxiety at some point in their lives, for some people these feelings are constant and overwhelming.

Physical symptoms of anxiety may include: dizziness, palpitations, muscle tension, shaking or trembling, dry mouth and excessive sweating. Anxiety can also cause headaches and abdominal pain.

Other physical symptoms include light-headedness or dizziness; feeling hot; increased heart rate; panic attacks and gastrointestinal problems.

What is Generalized Anxiety Disorder?

Generalized Anxiety Disorder is characterized by persistent, excessive fear or worry. Symptoms will vary according to the disorder and person suffering from it. Anxiety typically includes a range of emotional symptoms such as feelings of anxiety, dread, and tension. Anxiety can cause physical symptoms such as pounding heart and shortness of breath, sweating, tremors and twitches, headaches, fatigue and insomnia.

man in bed having an anxiety attack while watching television holding a remote controller
Anxiety for many is a debilitating condition that hinders all aspects of life

What are the causes of anxiety?

Anxiety can be caused by a number of factors, including genetics, brain chemistry, life experiences, and environmental factors.

There is no one answer to this question as anxiety can be caused by a variety of factors. Some of these causes are genetic, while others are environmental. Studies have shown that “anxiety disorders ‘run in families,’ as some families have a higher-than-average amount of anxiety disorders among relatives.” This may be due to genetics, which contribute to the development of an individual’s predisposition towards anxiety disorders. Other family members may also experience them more than average.

Stressful or traumatic events such as abuse, death of a loved one, or violence are often linked with the development of anxiety disorders. These events can cause a person to feel overwhelmed and scared, leading to the development of an anxiety disorder. Anxiety can also be caused by many factors at once and may lead to other conditions if they occur together. For example, people who suffer from both anxiety and depression tend to have more severe symptoms than those who only experience one condition.

woman on bed in blue tshirt looks anxious as she tries to get out of bed
Anxiety about the day ahead can lead to other conditions like depression

Some causes of anxiety might not lead to an anxiety disorder unless another condition is present. For example, withdrawal from drugs or alcohol can often trigger Anxiety anxious thoughts and feelings in someone who has previously struggled with addiction. Additionally, environmental stressors such as work or relationships can cause significant amounts of stress that lead to anxiety.

People with anxiety disorders often have family members who experience it. This may be due to genetics or environmental factors, but the cause is still unknown. Psychological disorders are due to misalignments of brain chemistry and hormones such as depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. Therefore, it is difficult to determine what specifically causes anxiety disorders.

Anxiety can be caused by many factors, which makes it difficult to identify a single cause. To get a better understanding of what might trigger your own anxiety, click here .

How is anxiety treated?

There are a variety of ways that anxiety can be treated. Some people may need medication in order to treat their anxiety, while others may find that therapy or self-care work better for them.

Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) is the most common type of anxiety treatment. CBT helps people to understand how their thoughts, feelings and behaviors are related to their anxiety. The therapist will help you identify any harmful beliefs or thoughts that contribute to your anxiety and replace them with more helpful ones.

Group therapy session treating anxiety using cognitive behavioral therapy
Don’t underestimate the benefits of group therapy in treating anxiety

What are the risks associated with anxiety?

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the United States, affecting 40 million adults in the United States age 18 and older. Anxiety disorders are highly treatable, yet only 36.9 percent of those suffering receive treatment.

Anxiety disorders are more severe and last longer than normal worry and stress. Symptoms can be very uncomfortable and make life difficult. Some of the risks associated with anxiety are:

-Excessive worry which can lead to problems at work or school, difficulty sleeping, and feeling tense or on edge

-Restlessness or an inability to relax

-Accelerated heart rate, agitation or irritability, sweating, and weakness

-The person may avoid situations that trigger their anxiety symptoms

-They may have decreased ability to concentrate

There are many treatments for anxiety disorders including therapy which can help the person overcome symptoms and live a more fulfilling life.

How can I prevent anxiety?

There are many ways to prevent anxiety. Some people find that exercise, journaling, and meditation help to prevent anxiety. Others find that avoiding caffeine and alcohol, and practicing deep breathing exercises can help. It is important to find what works best for you and to stick to a routine.

There are many ways to prevent anxiety. One way is to engage in activities that make you feel good about yourself and decrease your worries. You can also avoid alcohol or drug use as they may cause anxiety symptoms to worsen or increase them in the first place. Additionally, it is important to seek treatment if you are experiencing anxiety disorders.

Feeling anxious can also cause addiction to substances, so it is important to be mindful of this when trying to prevent anxiety. Finally, there are many natural medicines that have been shown effective in treating anxiety.

Keep reading for more info that will help you overcome your struggles with everyday life!

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Rob Butler
30-Something Millennial with ADHD and suspected Autistic and Dyspraxic. Thought leader behind this website. Big visions of a better future for everyone, but forgets where he is half the time.Loves Rugby, his kids, and anything silly. Hates U2 and Marmite.

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